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Top 5 things to do after filing for divorce

Posted by Jess A. Lorona | Nov 21, 2017 | 0 Comments

filing divorce

Divorce happens to the best of us. Couples do not anticipate a divorce impacting their lives as they say their vows at an altar together. As devastating as separating from your spouse may be, there are ways to keep yourself focused and keep your mind set on future possibilities. After officially submitting a request for divorce, the time is yours for healing and moving on.

Navigating Divorce: Steps Towards Healing and Moving Forward

#1 Forgive Yourself

Divorce may cause plenty of mixed emotions and difficult thoughts to process. During this time it is important that you remain open and forgiving, especially to yourself. Venting and talking with loved ones can get out pent up feelings and get you on the road to emotional divorce recovery.

#2 Seek an Attorney

Regardless of if your divorce is amicable or not, it is recommended you seek the counsel of an experienced lawyer. They can give you advice and help with the divorce proceedings. In the case that divorce is settled in court, an attorney can speak up on your behalf. Your spouse may become volatile and resentful. Having the support of a legal professional can alleviate stress and establish a point person for communicating with your partner if they become difficult.

#3 List your Assets

Make a list of all the items in your home that are yours; furniture, mirrors, appliances, chairs, desks, art, lighting, etc. Write these items down to go over with your lawyer so they can ensure to fight for your ownership rights of these treasures, and that your spouse does not steal them from you.

#4 Hire a Moving Company

Hiring a moving professional is important, but can be often forgotten about during the divorce settlement process. It will be useful to designate a company to move you or your spouse's belongings out of the shared home. This can keep you from seeing your former partner more than necessary. It also frees up much time and energy up for you to take on other tasks needed to complete the divorce. Some moving companies also offer cleaning services so you can arrive to your new home with a fresh feel, or deep clean once your partner has moved out. Long distance moving companies residents turn to can help you start fresh.

#5 Travel

Start thinking about where you want to splurge and travel to after submitting your divorce paperwork. Go anywhere that means something to you and will allow you to fully enjoy yourself. Try to avoid romantic scenes, and perhaps pick a destination full of adventure and meeting new people!

Divorce can be a trying and emotionally awful time for anyone. Do not overwork yourself and hire an attorney so you do not miss filling out any required paperwork. More than ever, you need to focus on your needs and keep yourself healthy while sorting through the various steps of a divorce. Do not be afraid to ask for help from family and loved ones, along with hiring companies to be of assistance if needed.

About the Author

Jess A. Lorona



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