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Safety Tips for Pedestrians and Drivers

Posted by Jess A. Lorona | Aug 17, 2018 | 0 Comments

safety tips

A road is a dangerous place for drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists throughout the city of Phoenix. Everywhere you turn there are dangers lurking that could lead to an accident. Pedestrians and drivers interact on a regular basis when traveling throughout Phoenix, which is why both parties need to be as safe as possible. Our Phoenix pedestrian accident lawyer is here to offer some safety tips for both pedestrians and drivers in today's post.

Do Not Cross Without Clear Path

A pedestrian should never cross a road without a clear path. The pedestrian should be able to see oncoming traffic in both directions before stepping foot into the roadway. This means that crossing should be avoided at intersections that have poor visibility and areas that are under construction. Pedestrians should also only cross at intersections controlled by traffic lights or stop signs to ensure safety.

Make Eye Contact

This safety tip is more for pedestrians than for drivers but it is still important for both parties. Pedestrians should never try to cross the street without first making eye contact with the driver of the vehicle closest to them. Eye contact is necessary for your safety because it is a form of communication between you and the driver, signifying that both of you are on the same page. If you cannot make contact with the driver you should not step onto the street in front of their vehicle.

Slow Your Speed at Intersections

As a driver, you need to slow your speed at every intersection throughout the city. Even if you have a green light or the intersection is controlled by a stop sign, you need to slow your speed. You don't have to slow down so much that you affect the flow of traffic, but it's still important to reduce your speed. Reducing your speed at intersections will make it easier to come to a complete stop should a pedestrian dart out into traffic.

Yield to Pedestrians in Crosswalks

If you are making a right or left turn using a green light and there are pedestrians in the crosswalk with the walk sign you should yield the right of way to them. Don't accelerate in an effort to beat them through the intersection. Slow down or come to a stop so that the pedestrians can safely cross the intersection before you continue on your journey.

Look Twice Before Turning

As a driver you need to look twice before turning when in the city. Pedestrians can be just about anywhere and might show up without notice. Always look twice before you make any type of turn so that you can spot a pedestrian who might not have been in your viewpoint the first time you looked. Looking twice will also help you identify any hazards that might be present on the road where you are headed.

Did you suffer an injury in a pedestrian-motor vehicle accident? These injuries should not be ignored. Contact a Phoenix pedestrian accident lawyer today to schedule a consultation about your case. Call the office of Lorona Mead at 602-385-6825.

About the Author

Jess A. Lorona



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