Securities Litigation, Arbitration, and Regulatory Proceedings
We represent and defend securities litigation matters in Arizona's state and federal courts in cases involving, among other things, fraud, negligence, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary duty.
We also represent claimants and respondents in arbitration cases between investors and brokerage firms in disputes involving claims of suitability, churning, unauthorized trading and other types of investment fraud.
Finally, we defend registered representatives and other securities' professionals in administrative investigations and proceedings. Our experience includes defending clients before the Arizona Securities Division, FINRA, the New York Stock Exchange, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
You Want to Terminate an Employee
If one of your employees isn't working out, you might be thinking about terminating him or her. Before you do that, make sure to ask an employment lawyer in Phoenix if you have legal grounds to do so. If you wrongly terminate an employee, you put yourself at risk of getting sued.
You Are Being Sued
It is essential to speak to an employment lawyer Phoenix residents respect if a current or former employee is suing you. If you don't take action right away, you may not be able to protect your legal rights. An experienced employment lawyer may advise you on the next steps you should take.
You Need an Employee Contract Reviewed
It may be important to have an employment lawyer Phoenix locals rely on review employee contracts. He or she may make sure they contain all the necessary legal terms and check for errors. If you included wording that may cause issues later on, an employer may make you aware of this.
You Have to Classify an Employee
When you hire an employee, you must properly classify him or her as an independent contractor, common-law employee, statutory employee or statutory nonemployee. If you misclassify an employee, you could face heavy fines. A Phoenix employment lawyer may help you make sure that you are classifying each employee correctly.