A pedestrian was struck by a vehicle as she was walking near 59th and Glendale avenues the other day at around seven in the evening. When police got there, they realized that the injured woman had sustained life-threatening injuries and the person who hit her had fled the scene.
Police worked with witnesses in the area to get a description of the vehicle and they say that it appears that the women was struck while she was in a pedestrian crosswalk at the time of the collision.
At Lorona Mead, we know that pedestrians are the most vulnerable group of people on and around the roadway and that negligent drivers pose a serious threat to their safety. If you need a Glendale pedestrian accident attorney, you can turn to our qualified and experienced team to help you recover the compensation you deserve.
Arizona Statistics
We looked at the latest statistics put out by the Arizona Department of Transportation and we can see some startling numbers. They show us that, for the latest reporting year, there were:
- 1,702 pedestrian crashes
- 226 pedestrians killed
- 1,510 pedestrians injured
Take a closer look at those numbers and you will see that almost every pedestrian accident resulted in an injury or fatality. Pedestrians are so vulnerable anywhere on or around the roadway that any negligent driving behavior poses a threat. All too often we see the following injuries as a result of a pedestrian accident:
- Spinal cord injuries with paralysis
- Traumatic brain injuries/other head injuries
- Major internal organ damage and bleeding
- Broken or dislocated bones
- Amputations or severe lacerations
All of those injuries require some sort of immediate medical attention. While many victims make a full recovery, it is not without considerable financial and emotional cost. Others suffer from long-term disabilities that take away their ability to earn an income and support their families.
Why Do They Happen?
Most of the time, pedestrian accidents occur due to the negligence driving behavior of others. This can include:
- Those who make the choice to drive while impaired by drugs or alcohol.
- Those who are distracted by their phones or other devices.
- Those who speed or drive aggressively.
We know that many of these accidents occur in places where the pedestrian has the right-of-way like crosswalks or at intersections.
Your Next Steps
In the aftermath of a pedestrian accident that was caused by another person's negligence, we know you will have many questions:
- If this was the other person's fault, will their insurance cover everything?
- Should I contact an attorney?
- What about the money I am losing because I cannot work?
At Lorona Mead, we want to help you answer these questions and others that you may have. Our team will investigate your case and work with you to secure the compensation you need for all of your accident-related expenses. When you need a Glendale pedestrian accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 602-385-6825.
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