The Misconception of Personal Responsibility in Motorcycle Accidents
People who choose to ride motorcycles are not ignorant of the danger of riding one. Motorcycle drivers in Arizona have to pass certain tests in order to legally ride their bike. Because motorcycle drivers are more likely to experience injury in an accident some believe that motorcycles should be responsible for their own injury. As if to say, motorcycle drivers take responsibility for the inherent risk they take when they ride. Legally that is not the case. Our Glendale Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Lorona Mead have worked with enough clients who have been bullied to know that insurance companies do not want to pay for motorcycle injuries. Defending attorneys will do all they can to ensure that motorcyclists take most or all the blame. That is unfair and unjust.
Motorcycle Statistics
There is nothing more telling than statistics that show a yearly increase in motorcycle accidents. In recent data, in 2017, there were 2,907 crashes. The peak time for crashes was on Saturday. It makes sense to have more accidents happen on the weekend. People are more likely to ride their motorcycle on the weekends then use it on their daily commute to and from work. Of those crashes, 167 were fatal resulting in 161 deaths. Our Maricopa County has one of the highest total numbers of crashes out of any other county in Arizona. Our county experienced a total of 1,922 crashes resulting in 84 deaths and around 1500 injured. These numbers are not decreasing and it's not because motorcycle drivers aren't wearing helmets.
Eddie Sanchez's Story
Eddie Sanchez and his family just finished a lovely meal together. Eddie rode his motorcycle home with his family close behind him. It was raining that night, but that didn't stop Eddie from riding his bike. On the way home, Eddie was struck by a police car. The policeman got out and started CPR, but Eddie died on the spot. Eddie's family was there to hold him, but after all was said and done, there are some lingering questions. The family wants to know how the police car hit Eddie. They want to know if it was Eddie's fault, as the investigation suggested, then why was he turning down a road that was not familiar to them if they were all traveling home to the same place?
What To Do
Police reports are not the end of investigations. Sometimes hard questions need to be asked in order to get to the truth. Our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Glendale are ready to ask those hard questions because we believe above else you deserve justice. If you or someone you love is suffering injury from a motorcycle accident then do not wait to seek legal assistance. We can't erase what happened to you, but we can make sure to get all your questions answered. Call (602) 385-6825 or click here to start your journey to success with our professional attorneys at Lorona Mead in Glendale today.
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