Riding a bicycle is a great way to get in shape or to help you stay in shape. Thousands of people use bicycles to get to and from work, school, the doctor and to run errands throughout the city of Phoenix. Bicycles are small enough to keep in an apartment, can easily maneuver the most congested roads of the city, and don't cost an arm and a leg to fuel. Our Phoenix bicycle accident lawyer would like to provide you with some bicycle safety tips so bikers and drivers can coexist without the worry of getting involved in an accident.
Always Ride with Traffic
Bicycle riders must always ride with traffic. This is a law that all bicyclists must follow. When you ride with traffic you make it easier for drivers to see you. It also makes it easier for you when turning in either direction. When you travel against traffic you will need to cross traffic illegally to make a turn. Bicyclists are required to follow all the rules of the road, including stopping at stop signs, yielding to pedestrians, and stopping at red lights.
Leave Space for Bicycles
As a driver, one of the biggest responsibilities you have is to be on the lookout for bicycles and leave room for them. What does it mean to leave room for bicycles? If you pull up to an intersection and a bicycle is already stopped at the white line you should leave plenty of space between the bicycle and your car. Do not stop too close to the bike in the event a car strikes you from behind and sends you into the bicycle in front of you. Another way to leave space is to not ride the shoulder or hover over a bike lane. This will only cause problems when a bicycle is present.
Always Wear Reflective Gear
Your bicycle will come equipped with front and rear reflectors. You can choose to install flashing ones on your bike if you ride often at night. You should also wear reflective gear when riding your bike. This includes a reflective vest, reflective striping on your helmet, reflective shoes and bright colored shirts or shorts.
Yield to Bicycles When Turning
If you have a bicycle in front of you it's best to yield to them when you are going to make a turn. The bicycle will likely be in your lane of travel so be sure to slow down before making a right turn, especially if the bike is going to continue straight on the road. Let the bike continue straight before you make the right turn. The same can be said if both you and the car are going to make a left turn off the current road and onto a new one.
Use Hand Signals
All bicycle riders, especially those in the city, should know and use hand signals often. Study these signals so that you do not give the signal that you are turning right and then cut across the lane and turn left. This could lead to a very tragic accident.
Were you injured in a bicycle accident in Phoenix? Call the office of Lorona Mead at 602-385-6825 to schedule a consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys.
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