Unprecedented Number of Fatalities
While many of you may be concerned about the unending government shutdown in the U.S., you may want to focus on a more important issue at hand: the rising number of deadly car accidents on Arizona highways.
The surprisingly large number of fatalities that have occurred on Arizona highways since January 1, 2019, have state officials and lawmakers sounding alarmed bells. In the first week of this year, nearly a dozen people were killed in motor vehicle accidents on highways in Arizona.
“It was a truly horrible start to the new year,” says our Phoenix car accident lawyer at Lorona Mead. There was an unnaturally high number of car accident fatalities on Arizona highways in just a week.
Why fatal car crashes on Arizona highways keep rising?
It all started with a deadly car accident on State Route 89 near Flagstaff, when six people were killed in the horrendous crash after one of the vehicles crossed a double-yellow line and rammed into another car on the road close to Cameron. Since then, six more fatal car accidents on highways occurred within the next 24 hours.
The unnaturally large number of car accident fatalities at the beginning of 2019 even prompted Arizona Department of Public Safety Director Col. Frank Milstead to write a tweet to warn motorists in the state, “PLEASE SLOW DOWN give yourself extra time & extend courtesy to others.”
The causes of these fatal car crashes on Arizona highways range from drunk driving and distracted driving to speeding and failure to pay attention to traffic signs. However, authorities are confident that poor weather conditions in Arizona are also responsible for the uptick in car accident deaths at the beginning of this year.
Why bad weather conditions aren't the only factor to blame
“It's true that wet roads can contribute to car crashes on Arizona highways, but let's not ignore the fact that negligence on the part of motorists is a more probable cause,” reminds our experienced car accident lawyer in Phoenix. Poor weather conditions do not cancel or limit drivers' responsibility to obey traffic rules and exercise a duty of care.
In fact, the vast majority of fatal car accidents caused by wet and slippery surfaces on highways are preventable, because many motorists fail to slow down and drive carefully. Some of you might have noticed that whenever you enter a highway begin to drive below the speed limit, other motorists will get irritated and angry at you. This is one of the reasons why motorists on Arizona highways are unable to control their speed when driving under bad weather conditions. Can you blame them? They are under so much pressure from other motorists.
Protecting Your Rights and Seeking Compensation
“The problem is that many Arizona drivers treat driving on highways as a competition, rather than a football field where other motorists are your teammates and only teamwork and moving together can help you win (or, in this case, survive),” says our Phoenix car accident attorney at Lorona Mead.
Has your loved one been killed in a car accident on a highway or freeway in Arizona? Do not hesitate to contact our lawyers at Lorona Mead to determine fault and recover damages. Call our offices at (602) 385-6825 to get a free consultation today.
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